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The Projects

Untitled Mapping Project

See the static demo full screen
The static demo does not have the full route-finding, or place searching functionality and has a much reduced map area.
Map data: © OpenStreetMap contributors

A mapping app built in Node.JS for my Computer Science A Level NEA that is capable of displaying and searching real-world map data, as well as being able to do basic route finding, using a web client that accesses a custom backend.

See the repo


Screenshots of photoGraph

A social media web-app where photos can be posted on a real-world map. Built as a University of Glasgow Web App Development team project.

I was personally responsible for the web design, main map view, and associated AJAX APIs.

Some hosted functionality is faulty due to issues with the Python Anywhere environment.

Try it out (Python Anywhere)

See the repo

Dystopian GOV.UK

Screenshot of Dystopian GOV.UK

A fictional version of the GOV.UK website set in a dystopian Britain.

See the website

See the repo

OLM Convert

A python utility to convert an Outlook for Mac archive, that can only be opened with Outlook for Mac, to a set of standard .eml files that can be opened by almost all email clients.

See the repo

EPQ Dissertation - How has Cambridgeshire been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic compared to other areas?

In 2020 and 2021, I wrote a 5000-word dissertation on how Cambridgeshire was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic compared to other areas, using correspondence with politicians and public officials to inform this, alongside research using statistics and other publicly available evidence. This dissertation looked at the Medical, Economic and Social effects of the pandemic.

Read the dissertation (pdf)


I have written Wikipedia articles on UK political topics, notably:

See Wikipedia profile

Node.JS File serving CMS

A partially-completed file-serving CMS built in node.js with a MySQL backend. A self-hosted file hosting solution where people can share, find and rate files.

See the repo

3DS Printing

A network printing 3DS homebrew C program that supports Internet Printing Protocol and Port 9100 printing using PDF, PWG Raster, PCL or Plain text formats. This involved building a custom implementation of the IPP protocol, and the PWG raster spec.

See the repo

Emoji Diary

Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2

An app launched in 2017, allowing users to create a diary using Emojis. Created in Java, making use of the Firebase and Volley libraries.

See it on Github

Download it on GitHub

Error Resolver


A Google Chrome extension released in 2015. When you encountered a 404 error, it prompted the user to access an archived version on if available.